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AIX 디스크 추가 방법

by 공돌이티티 2024. 3. 15.

AIX 디스크 추가 절차 개요

1. Disk 추가
2. Volume Group 생성
3. Volume Group 에 Disk 추가
4. JFS2 파일 시스템 구성
5. 마운트

aix 디스크 추가



# lsvg 

# lspv
hdisk1          00c2f7a7cf2817d8                    rootvg          active
hdisk0          00c2f7a7d47db006                    rootvg          active


1. 디스크 추가 

# cfgmgr

# lspv
hdisk1          00c2f7a7cf2817d8                    rootvg          active
hdisk0          00c2f7a7d47db006                    rootvg          active
hdisk2          none                                None


2. 신규 볼륨 그룹 생성

# smit mkvg

                                       Add a Volume Group

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

  Add an Original Volume Group
  Add a Big Volume Group
  Add a Scalable Volume Group


                                       Add a Scalable Volume Group

Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
                                                        [Entry Fields]
  VOLUME GROUP name                                  [datavg]
  Physical partition SIZE in megabytes                                                       +
* PHYSICAL VOLUME names                              [hdisk2]                                +
  FORCE the creation of volume group?                 no                                     +
  Activate volume group AUTOMATICALLY                 yes                                    +
    at system restart?
  Volume group MAJOR NUMBER                          []                                      +#
  Create VG Concurrent Capable?                       no                                     +
  Max PPs per VG in units of 1024                     32                                     +
  Max Logical Volumes                                 256                                    +
  Enable Strict Mirror Pools                          No                                     +


# lsvg

# lspv
hdisk1          00c2f7a7cf2817d8                    rootvg          active
hdisk0          00c2f7a7d47db006                    rootvg          active
hdisk2          00c2f7a7da30803d                    datavg          active



# cfgmgr

# lspv
hdisk1          00c2f7a7cf2817d8                    rootvg          active
hdisk0          00c2f7a7d47db006                    rootvg          active
hdisk2          00c2f7a7da30803d                    datavg          active
hdisk3          none                                None


3. datavg 볼륨 그룹에 디스크 추가

# smit extendvg

                            Add a Physical Volume to a Volume Group

Type or select values in entry fields.       
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

                                                        [Entry Fields]
  FORCE the creation of volume group?                 no                                     +
* VOLUME GROUP name                                  [datavg]                                +
* PHYSICAL VOLUME names                              [hdisk3]                                +

# lspv
hdisk1          00c2f7a7cf2817d8                    rootvg          active
hdisk0          00c2f7a7d47db006                    rootvg          active
hdisk2          00c2f7a7da30803d                    datavg          active
hdisk3          00c2f7a708008cc1                    datavg          active

4. Logical 볼륨 그룹 생성

# smit mklv

                                          Add a Logical Volume

Type or select a value for the entry field.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

                                                        [Entry Fields]
* VOLUME GROUP name                                  [datavg]                                 +



                                          Add a Logical Volume

Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

                                                        [Entry Fields]
  Logical volume NAME                                [was_data_lv]
* VOLUME GROUP name                                   datavg
* Number of LOGICAL PARTITIONS                       [512]                                  #  

                                                     // FREE PPs Size 에 맞춰서 설정  

  PHYSICAL VOLUME names                              [hdisk0]                               +
  Logical volume TYPE                                [jfs2]                                 +
  POSITION on physical volume                        outer_middle                           +
  RANGE of physical volumes                          minimum                                +
  MAXIMUM NUMBER of PHYSICAL VOLUMES                 []                                     #
    to use for allocation
  Number of COPIES of each logical                   1                                      +
  Mirror Write Consistency?                           active                                +
  Allocate each logical partition copy                yes                                   +
    on a SEPARATE physical volume?                    
  RELOCATE the logical volume during reorganization?  yes                                   +
  Logical volume LABEL                                []
  MAXIMUM NUMBER of LOGICAL PARTITIONS                [2048]                                #
  Enable BAD BLOCK relocation?                        yes                                   +
  SCHEDULING POLICY for writing/reading               parallel                              +
    logical partition copies
  Enable WRITE VERIFY?                                no                                    +
  File containing ALLOCATION MAP                      []
  Stripe Size?                                        [Not Striped]                         +
  Serialize IO?                                       no                                    +
  Mirror Pool for First Copy                                                                +
  Mirror Pool for Second Copy                                                               +
  Mirror Pool for Third Copy                                                                +


5. JFS2 파일 시스템 구성

# smit jfs2

                                    Enhanced Journaled File Systems

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

  Add an Enhanced Journaled File System
  Add an Enhanced Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical Volume
  Change / Show Characteristics of an Enhanced Journaled File System
  Remove an Enhanced Journaled File System
  Manage Quotas for an Enhanced Journaled File System
  Defragment an Enhanced Journaled File System
  List Snapshots for an Enhanced Journaled File System
  Create Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System
  Mount Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System
  Remove Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System
  Unmount Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System
  Change Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System
  Rollback an Enhanced Journaled File System to a Snapshot



                                 Add an Enhanced Journaled File System

Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
                                                        [Entry Fields]
* LOGICAL VOLUME name                                 was_data_lv                            +
* MOUNT POINT                                        [/was_data]
  Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart?              yes                                    +               

  PERMISSIONS                                         read/write                             +
  Mount OPTIONS                                      []                                      +
  Block Size (bytes)                                  4096                                   +
  Logical Volume for Log                                                                     
  Inline Log size (MBytes)                           []                                      #
  Extended Attribute Format                                                                  +
  Enable Quota Management?                            no                                     +
  Enable EFS?                                         no                                     +
  Allow internal snapshots?                           no                                     +
  Mount GROUP                                        []


Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart? 

    => [ Command ] # chfs -A yes /was_data


# lsvg -l datavg
LV NAME             TYPE       LPs     PPs     PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
was_lv              jfs2       240     240     1    open/syncd    /was
loglv01             jfs2log    1       1       1    open/syncd    N/A
was_data_lv         jfs2       512     512     1    closed/syncd  /was_data

6. 파일 시스템 마운트

# mount /dev/was_data_lv /was_data

# lsvg -l datavg
LV NAME             TYPE       LPs     PPs     PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
was_lv              jfs2       240     240     1    open/syncd    /was
loglv01             jfs2log    1       1       1    open/syncd    N/A
was_data_lv         jfs2       512     512     1    open/syncd    /was_data

# df -g
Filesystem    GB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4          15.00      6.34   58%    16283     2% /
/dev/hd2          20.00     12.71   37%   140993     5% /usr
/dev/hd9var        2.00      1.48   26%    15781     5% /var
/dev/hd3           2.00      1.54   23%      263     1% /tmp
/dev/hd1          10.00      3.25   68%    12308     2% /lhome
/proc                 -         -    -         -     -  /proc
/dev/hd10opt       7.00      4.96   30%    27181     3% /opt
/dev/was_lv       30.00     26.26   13%    29194     1% /was
/dev/was_data_lv     64.00     63.99    1%        4     1% /was_data


